About Us

The Morbol's Mouth started as a simple pub in Ishgard. Its name derived from the old adventurer's saying "Into the morbol's mouth" which essentially means "let's do something incredibly dangerous and stupid". Despite being an otherwise typical pub at first glance, it became a hotspot for the city's burgeoning punk scene, a cultural movement that had originated from rebellious Garlean youths that later spread to Eorzea. Unfortunately, this led to a moral panic from the city's nobles, who worried that the loud music and brash attitudes of punk might incite violent sedition within Ishgard, and so certain elements within the House of Lords began leveraging as much legal sway as they could to get the bar closed down. The legal battle lasted for months, and while the business would ultimately not be shut down, it was denied its re-applications for liquor and entertainment licenses, effectively killing the Morbol's Mouth... Or so the nobles thought.The owner of the business, Lancefer Ignemortel, was already a somewhat talented alchemist, so he was able to convert the building's upper floor into an apothecary, meanwhile the basement level of the small building was renovated into a soundproofed concert hall and ramshackle dive bar. Patrons need only give a signal to the clerk at the front desk and be shown to the basement's entrance, ushering them into a literal underground rock club where the freaks and outcasts of the world may go to let their hair down. The floors may be sticky with spilled beer and the bathroom may still be out of order but it's home and we wouldn't change it for the world.

OOC Info
The Morbol's Mouth is an immersive rp and concert venue meant to evoke the vibe of a sketchy underground punk club while still being lore-friendly enough to fit into Eorzea. The theme is geared towards punks, metalheads, goths and other "alt" subcultures but you don't have to strictly be a part of those cultures to have fun here. We have staffed concert nights every Thursday, alternating between bard performances and DJ sets, as well as an open stage every Saturday for anyone to come and show off their skills. While we're not an erp club, we consider ourselves an 18+ community as our rp may at times deal with darker themes such as violence and crime along with many of the messier things that come with sex, drugs and rock n' roll. While these themes may get serious at times, we try to keep a relaxed atmosphere and hold inter-player consent tantamount. If all that sounds interesting to you come check us out, we look forward to seeing you!


No one under the age of 18 is allowed inside.
We do not tolerate harassment or abuse of our members. Be nice.
This venue is proudly pro LGBTQ+, anti-racist and anti-fascist. If that bothers you in any way, you are not welcome here.
Respect boundaries. If someone asks you to stop doing something that makes them uncomfortable, stop, no questions asked.
Please don’t enter the private chambers without permission.
We are an rp venue. While we don’t require everyone inside to participate in rp, please don’t disrupt those that do and try to maintain a clear boundary between IC and OOC acts.
Feel free to flirt and be suggestive but don’t do erp in public.
For anything else, refer to the general rules of RP etiquette
Password: morbin time

Bar Games

Knife Throwing
If you're looking for something to do besides dance and drink, the Morbol's Mouth now offers knife throwing as a pastime. Play for fun or wager your gil and see if you can win big! Just be careful where you toss those knives...Each opponent takes turns throwing three knives each using the /random 20 command. The number they roll determines the accuracy of their throw. The highest score is the winner! See results below…
20: Bullseye! - 10 points
17- 19: Deep target! - 5 Points
13-16: Inner target - 3 Points
9-12: Outer target - 1 Point
2-8: Miss… - 0 Points
0-1: Ricochet! - 0 Points and the knife immediately flies toward you or someone else in the bar. Roll /random 6
Ricochet Mishaps
0 - The knife is flung straight up and embeds itself in the ceiling
1 - The knife bounces right back at you
2 - The knife flies right for your opponent
3- The knife shoots toward the person closest to your left
4 - The knife shoots toward the person closest to your right
5 - The knife goes immediately for the nearest staff member
6 - The knife somehow misses everyone, but shatters against a wall
Be sure to send the results of your match to a staff member to be added to the leaderboards!

A dive bar and pool hall based out of the Brume. A fine place for folks of all walks of life to meet to share drinks and company.Crystal | Zalera | Empyreum W15 P22nd and 4th Fridays of every month - 8-11 PM Eastern TIme
An unofficial meetup area in the Brume. A place for unsavory characters to engage in criminal activities for fun and profit.Crystal, Zalera, Ishgard, The Brume
Wednesday & Saturday, 6pm EST

A cocktail lounge and nightclub that plays host to up-and-coming DJ's. Said to be managed by Ancients, it's the only place you can party like they did in Amaurot.Dynamis | Marilith | Empyreum | Ward 8 | Plot 2610pm to 2am EST every Monday and every 4th Saturday of the month